Friday, July 25, 2008

Rally Armor Flap Install

So I get an email from informing me that my flaps have been delivered. The day just got better. After getting home I rip open the box and check out the goods. Four flaps, a stuffed bag of hardware and finally one page of instructions but who needs those?

The before picture:
The basic tools i'll need and the flaps w/ hardware:
Get under the side skirt and plastic liner so the adapters can be installed:
Front: Requires three adapters and one plug
Rear: Requires three adapters (Note, some of these are different then the front adapters)

You should end up with 6 plastic things. The two larger ones are from the side skirt, these need to be put back on the car. The smaller four are no longer needed. I kept mine in case I pull the flaps off.
First one is on....

Half Done...
The finished product:

We'll see how they work out over the next week or so...


Unknown said...

Crazy? Insane? Not reading the instructions? Damn straight insane!

Anonymous said...

Looking good man! Once you get tinted it'll all come together quite nicely